Launching the World’s Thinnest Laptop

HP India wanted to create a big splash at the launch of the HP Spectre, the company’s super-svelte, powerful flagship product in the premium notebook class. The objective was to highlight the premium and innovative features of the product and to position it favourably against its competitors.

The PRactice had been working with HP for more than four years, and the team understood exactly how to craft a strategy to meet the client ask. We created an outreach campaign centered around the superior engineering and luxurious artisan finish of HP Spectre. A series of strategically planned media engagements were undertaken to create buzz around the launch of the notebook.

To drive home the elements of luxury and artistry of the Spectre, The PRactice proposed partnering with master couturiers Meera and Muzzafar Ali and launch Spectre at a fashion show in Delhi .

The connection with elegance and style helped establish the Spectre as a lifestyle brand, rather than just another piece of new technology. The extensive media outreach included innovative “Unboxing” events for carefully cultivated traditional media champions who were familiar with HP’s products and track record. The PRactice also tapped new media and bloggers to spread the excitement about the Spectre with their stories and product reviews.

HP India was impressed at the team’s execution of the campaign and happy with the results of the launch. There was widespread reporting in the media about HP’s entry into the premium segment and acknowledgement of its innovation in technology. More than 50 stories appeared across multiple media channels: TV, print and online. There were almost 300 coverage clips, and every tier 1 publication, broadcast channel and online portal hailed the HP Spectre as one of the most innovative notebooks of the year and as a must-have personal accessory.

The icing on this multi-layer public relations cake? The product reviews praised the HP Spectre and christened it as the “MacBook Killer”!



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