Making them Self-Sustainable

Smile Train India is an international children’s charity, which provides free cleft surgeries and comprehensive cleft care to children across India. The challenges were two-fold: they wanted to accentuate awareness about cleft deformity and its impact on an individual and their family and launch fund-raising efforts to eventually make their India program self-sustainable.

The relevant media coverage we achieved evoked an 80 per cent share of voice across media channels during a high-profile event involving actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.

Our Strategic Media Relations program focused on building visibility for Smile Train across all channels including lifestyle magazines, financials, mainlines and vernaculars by mobilizing a network of supporters including Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Sanjiv Bajaj, Deepa Malik and others. The relevant media coverage we achieved evoked an 80 per cent share of voice across media channels during a high-profile event involving actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.

To initiate and sustain fundraising efforts, we deployed our Digital Engagement program to plan and execute digital campaigns on Facebook, Twitter and Google adwords to amplify conversations around clefts, and to promote the ad campaigns on donations to tap new donors. The outcome was positive: we raised funds, and Smile Train India also started to enjoy generous donations from dormant donors along with appreciation mails.


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