Reaching Tomorrow’s Designers Today

Adobe, a leading provider of creative apps and services used by design professionals and illustrators the world over, considers education as one of its most important verticals. The company wanted to establish and nurture a communication channel with the student and teaching community in India to create awareness about Adobe’s academic and creative offerings tailored for this segment.

The PRactice decided to leverage the social media to establish connect with this stakeholder group due to the extensive penetration of the medium among this audience. We created a Facebook page aimed at students in creative fields and launched the “Designers of Tomorrow” contest. The team stoked the momentum by inviting students to submit original designs created using Adobe tools. The page quickly developed an active following. Submissions poured in from across the country from aspiring young designers and within five months we created a strong and engaged community of 69,583 fans. The idea of creating a contest to engage with the student community was a resounding success. 

As a result of this campaign, today the Adobe Facebook page has a thriving community of 380,111 fans. It provides an active platform for young designers to learn about Adobe’s creative offerings and the discounts that students and educational institutions can take advantage of. Today, this growing community reaches 3.7 million people with the potential to reach 16.5 million users. It provides an ongoing channel for Adobe to engage with students.


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